We want to build two new rehab centers in the next few months, one for men and one for women. We don't have exact costs right now, but we will need to buy or rent property, furnish the facilities, and pay for staff.
*Men’s rehab center: God has blessed Rescate Social, our rehab center in Torreon, and within the next month we will be opening our second men’s rehab center here in San Pedro. The program in the new center will be centered on Biblical teachings and run by Christian ministers from our church. The center will include job skills training to provide the men with practical
skills and self-respect. As of now we plan to build a welding workshop overseen by one of our church members and run by the men in the center. Our needs in this area include: money to purchase or rent a building, utilities, furnishings for kitchen, sleeping, and meeting areas. We will also need to purchase equipment for the welding workshop.
*Women’s rehab center: In this area there are very few rehab centers for women, although there is a great need for them. The needs for this center are basically the same as for the men’s center – a building, utilities, furnishings, and a workshop. Instead of a welding shop, we are thinking of opening a bakery or candy store.
An URGENT need for our existing rehab center is money to buy a commercial oven to use in job training for the men. This will cost between $1200-$2000 depending on the oven we purchase.